You have spoken! And we listened! It’s time to expand our programming to provide additional opportunities for the soccer players in our community.
OCASL@TASL is excited to announce a new offering for our players and teams.
Join us for the inagural season of COED 11 RECREATION soccer on Saturdays!
We will continue to offer our 11 vs 11 Open Recreation division. Our teams now have options!
Teams may select the division that best suits their team. Teams with female players may elect to continue to play in the Open division or move to the Coed division. Same rules as always in the Open division, but there will be additional requirements in the Coed 11 division..
For consistency across leagues, the new Coed 11 division will follow the current coed rules in place:
The standard coed format is 11 vs. 11 with at least three females on the playing field at all times.
• If only two females are present, the team will play with ten players (two female and eight males).
• If only one female is present, the team will play with nine players (one female and eight males).
• If there are not any females present, then the game is a forfeit.
Game formats for both Recreation leagues will be 11-aside, 45-minute halves, 10 game season, same fields, at the current player registration fees.
This is new, this is exciting, this is the start of a new era! Adjustments may be necessary as we build it, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
Don’t have a team?! No problem! Register for Coed 11 Free Agent pool and join other players looking forward to getting on the pitch.
Already have a team?! Email us at ocasl@tasl.us with your team’s name and your players may begin registering right away. Teams must have a minimum of 21 players.
TASL is excited to expand our programming and offer additional opportunities for females to play soccer in the Triangle. Join us!

- QWhat is the Coed 11v11 Recreation Division All About?
- ATASL wants to offer a true Coed format for our players and teams. We have had many requests to apply coed rules to the recreation division, but this was challenging for some of the existing teams. The purpose of the new division is to provide an opportunity for all players to participate at a level in which they are comfortable. The emphasis is on fun and recreation in a more social atmosphere.
- QWho should play in this new Coed 11 Recreation Division?
- APlayers must be 18 years of age. Skill level should be beginner to any level of experience but the mindset should be fun and recreational play!! Examples:
- Couples.
- Parents..
- Beginners.
- Players that have been away from the game and want to ease back into it.
- Players that don't care about who wins.
- Players that do not compete on a competitive team.
- Players that are coming back from an injury.
- Coaches.
- Referees.
- Players that do not have a team and want to meet other players in a fun, relaxed environment.
- Players that want to enjoy soccer and just have fun.
- QHow much does it cost?
- AThe fee for the Coed 11 Recreation division is a league fee of $115 plus the annual state fee of $30 (paid once each calendar year).
- QWhat is the format of this new division?
- A
- 10 game season
- Saturday games - other days may be required
- 11 vs 11 format.
- full field
- 45 minute game half with 5 minute half time.
- Three officials.
- QHow are the teams formed?
- ATeam Captains should contact us to let us know their team's name. We expect the inagural season may only have enough coed teams to field one division of play. We do expect this to grow! Players may register for a team with the captain's approval or they can register individually and we will help them find a team. If there are enough Free Agents, we can form additional teams!
- QWhat are the Rules?
- AOCASL Rules apply with the following additions:
The standard coed format is 11 vs. 11 with at least three females on the playing field at all times.
• If only two females are present, the team will play with ten players (two female and eight males).
• If only one female is present, the team will play with nine players (one female and eight males).
• If there are not any females present, then the game is a forfeit.
- QHow do I register?
- AClick on OCASL@TASL Spring link above. Select "Coed 11 Recreation" and register for your team or as a free agent.